
Sedona USA!

Sedona USA!

Where in the world is Sedona USA? And why the heck is it so special? Ah, Sedona USA…magical place of great beauty and small town charm. It’s true, Sedona manages to be both cosmopolitan and quaint in the same fresh-air breath. Located 90 minutes and 116 miles north of that sweltering hotbed called Phoenix, Arizona,(…)


Bears in Boynton Canyon? O my!

Bears in Boynton Canyon? O my!

The Arizona Game and Fish Department has recently received a number of phone calls about bear sightings in Boynton Canyon, a popular hiking spot in Sedona. Boynton Canyon is known for its picturesque red rock landscape and considered to be one of the seven major vortex sites for which Sedona is known. Hikers and tourists(…)


Arizona National Parks & Recreation Areas

Arizona National Parks & Recreation Areas

Here is a free listing of some of the local Arizona National Parks & Recreation Areas in and around Sedona and Northern Arizona. Canyon de Chelly At the base of sheer red cliffs and in canyon wall caves are ruins of Indian villages built between AD 350 and 1300. Canyon de Chelly National Monument offers visitors(…)
